Prezedu aims to familiarize readers with the educational background of the world’s Heads of State. The Prezedu Ranking System classifies Heads of State based on their Highest Degree Earned (HDE). The HDE reflects only degree programs that have been completed, not degrees that have been attempted. This study is limited to analysis of formal education obtained through public or private schools. Special training, military instruction or honorary degrees are not accounted for in this study. The scope of this research pertains only to official Heads of State of sovereign and Member Countries of the United Nations. Below is an analysis of the Educational Attainment of the Heads of State of Africa as of September 2014.
Education Levels
Level 1: Elementary/High School Education (1-13 years of education)
Level 2: Undergraduate Degree (13-17 years of education)
Level 3: Graduate Degree (17-19 years of education)
Level 4: Doctorate Degree (19-21+ years of education)
Analysis of Data
Among the 54 Heads of State from the Africa, it is found that 20, or 37%, have a Level 1-Elementary to High School level of education; 14, or 26% have a Level 2- Undergraduate level of education; 12, or 22%, have a Level 3-Graduate level of education; 8, or 15% have a Level 4- Doctorate level of education.
The Median education level for Heads of State from the Africa is 13 Years of education, equivalent to Prezedu Education Level 1, an Undergraduate Degree