USA Election Watch 2016
As discussion builds around the 2016 United States Presidential election, Prezedu has started researching the educational attainment of some of the frontrunners. Using the Prezedu Ranking System, we have ranked the education levels of the 2016 hopefuls from the Democratic and Republican Parties.
Education Levels
Level 1: Elementary/High School Education (1-13 years of education)
Level 2: Undergraduate Degree (13-17 years of education)
Level 3: Graduate Degree (17-19 years of education)
Level 4: Doctorate Degree (19-21+ years of education)
Analysis of Data
Of the 5 Democratic Hopefuls, it is found that 0, or 0%, have a Level 1-Elementary to High School level of education; 2, or 40% have a Level 2- Undergraduate level of education; 0, or 0%, have a Level 3-Graduate level of education; 3, or 60% have a Level 4- Doctorate level of education.
Of the 17 Republican Hopefuls, it is found that 1, or 6 %, have a Level 1-Elementary to High School level of education; 4, or 24% have a Level 2- Undergraduate level of education; 1, or 6%, have a Level 3-Graduate level of education; 11, or 64% have a Level 4- Doctorate level of education.